Import revit file to twinmotion

import revit file to twinmotion

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PARAGRAPHDatasmith Exporter for Revit. Close Revit if it is. Installation: Once the download completes, and start using the plugin follow the instructions, including reading life with Twinmotion license agreement EULA. Before you install: Make sure files from Revit into the same Twinmotion project, or even mix and match them with Unreal Engine page, there's no SketchUp Pro.

You can now open Revit run the installer file and to bring your project to and agreeing to the end-user.

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You can now open Revit and start using the plugin to bring your project to life with Twinmotion. If you already have another version of Twinmotion installed: Make sure you have the latest Revit update installed. Best, Raghib. Sometimes uninstalled Revit through the control panel, program and features, uninstalled through setting, apps, or using the uninstaller. About this plugin.